Elmwood Encounters

Elmwood, WI dubs itself the UFO capital of the world and, at one time, made a bid to put in a UFO landing center. A quiet little town set in a valley of Pierce County, Elmwood boasts a series of unexplained encounters with UFOs dating back to the mid-70s and celebrates the legacy with an annual festival called “UFO Days.” Visit the official Elmwood, WI city website. Visit the official Elmwood UFO Days Facebook page for the latest information on the annual festival. Here’s a growing list of stories about the Elmwood Encounters: Do you have a legitimate encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object in Minnesota or Western Wisconsin? Tell us about it. Contact us by leaving a comment or by Gmail (UFOdays@ … ) Disclaimer: Ufodays.net is an unofficial fan site of the Elmwood UFO Days event but is neither sponsored by nor endorsed by the organizers and hosts of Elmwood, UFO Days.