Month: November 2019

When You See Those Flying Saucers

the Buchanan Brothers captured the mood of the nation with their prescient song, “When You See Those Flying Saucers.” Don’t let the folksy-melody and music fool you. The song has a serious message about the meaning of the UFO phenomenon.

Orbs of Light Haunt MN Campers

Two stories about mysterious glowing lights in the woods of Northern Minnesota point to a larger and wide-spread phenomenon. But is it UFOs or spirits?

UFOs at Halfmoon Lake and Draper, WI

In 1979, residents of Sawyer County saw a UFO in the Bass Lake district moving toward Draper, Wisconsin. The sighting follows a similar report from Halfmoon Lake a week earlier.

Ladysmith Man Collects More than 80 UFO Reports

Chester Golat of Ladysmith, WI collects UFO reports. He claims to have collected over 80 of them from reliable witnesses.

UFOs Accidental Apocalypse

UFO activity over Indian and Pakistani nuclear sites could trigger a nuclear war. Sabir Hussain, director of the Indian Society for UFOs (INSUFOS), has brought that warning before the Supreme Court of India.