Tag: Area 51

Trump Promises Roswell Disclosure

President Trump claims to know “very interesting” things about Roswell and suggests Disclosure.

Air Force UFO Spy and Piecemeal Disclosure

Former special agent for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) talks UFOs, but how do we know we can believe him?

China’s Flying Saucer Helicopter

The Chinese just unveiled their latest Flying Saucer technology. Is this what US Navy pilots have been encountering over US airspace?

Raw Footage of Detroit Lakes Anomaly

The raw footage of the mysterious anomaly darting through the skies over Detroit Lakes rules out conventional explanations. What is that thing? Watch the raw footage and decide for yourself.

Strange Shape Darts Through Detroit Lakes, MN Skies

A phantom-like shape seems to dart into the sky and swoop about erratically in this puzzling video from Detroit Lakes.

Musk: Forget About Area 51, Aliens not Visiting Earth

“SpaceX actually has Area 59 and it’s ‘eight’ better than Area 51.” Elon Musk says that, although life probably does exist somewhere in space, it hasn’t been to earth yet. Musk’s remarks were made at the Shanghai Expo Center in China where the eccentric… Continue Reading “Musk: Forget About Area 51, Aliens not Visiting Earth”

UFO Days in Nevada: Storm Area 51

The “Storm Area 51” event has spawned the creation of two UFO Days festivals in the vicinity of Rachel, Nevada. But you might want to sit this one out.